Ni - Fong n., prop. A prosecutor caught abusing the law in politically motivated prosecutions of four Duke University (North Carolina) Lacrosse team players. v. A common legal practice in the late 20th and early 21st Centuries where unfounded allegations of sexual impropriety were used by the legal profession to manipulate large organizations, public and private, as extortion. Most common in Washington State, New York City, Massachusetts, California, and Washington D.C. Cited as a major cause of the revolution of 2010. Explicitly outlawed under the first president of New America in 2013, Arnold Schwarzenegger. Enforcement has intially proved difficult as the disorder often manifest in a bi-lateral fashion expressing itself between the actions of at least two individuals most typically man and wife, or republican and democrat. adj. 1, A genetic defect isolated as a partial cause of the behavior, as in ' nifong genetic defect'. 2. a manifestation of alcohol abuse as 'she was a nifong alcoholic'. n. a perjorative term to describe users of the practice, as in "what a nifong".