Funny Ha Ha
Written, Directed, and co-starring Andrew Bujalski
Starring Kate Dollenmayer
(An Animator in Richard Linklater's Waking Life)
An IMDB reviewer identified this move as a 'quarter-life' crisis of the female lead, played by Kate Dollenmayer. Dollenmayer got her start working for Richard Linklater as an animator for 'Waking Life'. This movie has a strong slacker vibe and the semi-pro production values enhance the message of the movie, the challenges of work and romance immediately after college graduation.
My first impression was that this was a Christian rock type version of Linklater's first movie, Slacker. The topic of religion comes up, but only very briefly. It is definitely a modern and realistic moral tale told well by those living it.
Bujalski does a great job at playing the failed suitor of Dollenmayer, as a nice but nerdy co-worker starting an alcohol problem.